All Saints Whats On

Current Events

This is a list of events in the next few weeks. For information further ahead, please use the links in the sidebox.

28thNinth Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Parish Communion
6.30 pm Evensong (Said)


12.00 noon Wedding of Mubanga Kauseni and Zhama Jumbo
4thSixth Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am All the Family Service
6.30 pm Parish Communion
11thEleventh Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Morning Prayer
9.00 am Work Party
18thTwelfth Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Family Eucharist
12 noon Holy Baptism (Maisie Ablett)
25thFourth Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Parish Communion
1.00pm Wedding of Thomasin Moss and Adam Spyrou

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Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator:

Can't find something?

Please email us (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Churchwardens